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American Judges Association honors Marshall Murray's work with domestic violence

Regina Velázquez/Williams Today

Marshall Murray ’75 was recently awarded the American Judges Association’s 2022 Judge Libby Hines Domestic Violence Award for his decades of work in the courtroom.

As the former head of the Milwaukee County DA’s Domestic Violence (DV) Unit, the Presiding Judge of the DV Courts and Presiding Judge of the Children’s Court Divisions, Murray leads three-day training sessions educating other judges worldwide on recognizing the signs of domestic violence from their unique perspective as judges.

Bringing together teams of lawyers, child psychologists and judges, the three-day training sessions help explain “the dynamics of the behavior of the victim as well as the perpetrator,” Murray says, in a situation where most victims—primarily women—are silent. At the awards presentation in Philadelphia, Judge Hines said, “I have no doubt that Judge Murray has helped to make many communities in addition to his own, safer, and he has improved—or even saved—the lives of women and children across the United States.”

Follow this link to the rest of the story.

American Judges Association honors Marshall Murray's work with domestic violence
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